- Maintained by Claudia
- Online Since December 12, 2018
- Contact the owner via form
- @GatesFiles & others
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If you have photos or videos of Gates McFadden you have taken personally or collected during the years and you wish to donate them to the site, read how to do and get in touch with us.
This fansite is strictly against any paparazzi or stalkerazzi pictures. We will not support any kind of bashing or privacy intrusion into Gates’ life and/or the one of people around her. We will also not post any gossip or rumors on private life matters.
Another turn around the sun and suddenly it’s been 5 years. 1825 days that this fansite has been happily online; it would seem like a long time already and yet there’s always so much to do. How many things we’ve witnessed together and we will see more.
First of all, I want to thank Gates McFadden herself, because she has been always so lovely and supportive for my work since very early. But also to all of you, everyone that has supported, contributed, cheered the site and myself, I cherish the friendships and our times together, to many more years!
Being this the 5th year, you’re now accostumed to my gifts so let’s start a 4 day celebration with Beverly Crusher in Star Trek: The Next Generation Movies.
You’ll be seeing Ultra High Definition Screencaptures, maybe some extras and here and there a few clips. This year feels more special to me because all of these gifts are a collaboration with one of the best people I had the honor to meet in this fandom and thanks to Gates, to whom I now refer to as my Sister-in-Bev, Gates McFadden Archive. So let’s start, it’s time for some Generations, enjoy!
Star Trek Franchise > Movies > Star Trek: Generations > UHD Screencaptures
Star Trek: Generations – Deleted Scene
Star Trek: Generations – Gates Interview
- Maintained by Claudia
- Online Since December 12, 2018
- Contact the owner via form
- @GatesFiles & others
- Read our disclaimer & privacy policy
- Visitors
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If you have photos or videos of Gates McFadden you have taken personally or collected during the years and you wish to donate them to the site, read how to do and get in touch with us.
This fansite is strictly against any paparazzi or stalkerazzi pictures. We will not support any kind of bashing or privacy intrusion into Gates’ life and/or the one of people around her. We will also not post any gossip or rumors on private life matters.